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Sudbury Reunion photos

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: 2007-8-6

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Bill Braverman, Donna Spiegel and Mitch Spiegel, co-chair and shul president


dancing at the dinner gala

David Witchel (founding family)

Donna Spiegel & Judy Zelikovitz, were both on reunion committee (I think, check with Vivian)

Dorothy Moses

Fran Pliskow, parents Mort & Ruth lived in S 1954-1985

Hannah Suk Cami and Vivian Field, co-chair

interviewee Goldie Greenspoon Barth & Uriel Oto

Joe Jafir, Marie Witchel, Mort Pliskow - Mort in S 1954-1985

Joel Zelikovitz, Jay Richmond, Denis Perlin. Perlin, of N.S., ran services at shul in 1970s

Lottie Suk, dtr Hannah 1952-1963, husb Gerry Cami & sons Justin and Jeremy

memory board at Fri night registration

Mort Pliskow & Karen Zalen

reunion advertisement

Rick Lewis, wife Jan Silverman (founding family), Anita and Jeff Levine

Ruth Pliskow and Lottie Magder

Sam Greenspoon

Sunday brunch at Culpeppers_Ruth Pliskow, Hannah Enchin, Sol Enchin, Donna Spiegel

tree of life at synagogue

Uriel Oko travelled from Tulsa to attend

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