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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Accessions

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Becky Brown mother to Herb Brown

B'nai Brith 1951 - need copyright clearance

Chamber Backs University Plan August 15 1958

Curling Champions 1964 second from right Allan Rosenberg with Herb Brown in centre as skip

Dinner with PET and Mr and Mrs Begin of Israel p2

employment contract for Hebrew School teacher Charles Benchimol 1970

employment contract for Rev D Edelstein 1963

employment contract for Rev Frankel and Mrs Frankel 1966

employment contract for Rev Leo Fettman 1959

Geetie Brown playing ball with kids 1957

Greenspoon gathering around table

Hadassah event in Sault St Marie with members from Sudbury and North Bay and Sault St Marie and Michigan

HE Brown Supply Automotive Parts and Machine Shop Service 1990s

Herb and Geetie Brown at Purim Party circa 1970s

Herb and Geetie Brown with grandchildren

Herb Brown in centre in uniform during war

Honours List for High Holidays 1965

Inside of shul prior to flood

Invitation to dine with PET and Mr and Mrs Begin

Jean and Morris Wasserman sister and brother

Joe Rosenberg 1960

left Herb Brown with brother Bill at family cottage copy

left to right George Metz, Peter Waiser, Howard Kizell, Stan Herman and Jack Weinstein, 1957

left to right Sophie Wasserman and Miriam Maistleman and Joseph Rosenberg and Becky Brown 1940s

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